Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why Bootcamps ROCK!!

(This post is from my bootcamp blog,

One question I’m asked often is, “Luke, why do you like to coach bootcamps so much?”

That’s easy one answer.

Our bootcamp groups are just like a team. A championship team.

From day one we all know we are in it together – just like a sports team.

Some of us start out in decent shape.

Others of us are in awful shape. (That’s okay)

And there are all sorts of people in between.

But we all support everyone else.

Everyone cheers for everyone else.

Everyone there roots for everyone else.

It’s an US vs. THEM attitude.

Our bootcamp against the world. (And we’re winning!)

Just like a championship team, we are all a part of something so special. We’re in it for more than just exercise.

We’re there for one another.

Our bootcamps quickly become something great.

And it feels WONDERFUL to be a part of something special.

This is where we go to tell the world that we’re in charge. We’re going to take positive action when we feel like it.

And all of this is why I enjoy bootcamps so much.

Have a great day,


Friday, March 28, 2008

Fat Loss Articles!

Fitness guru Craig Ballantyne has kindly contributed some articles for

Check 'em out!

8 Metabolism Bootsters for Weight Loss

The Best Cardio Intervals for Fat Loss: Part One

The Best Cardio Intervals for Fat Loss: Part Two

We're all working our doopers off to get the website up and running, so you'll have INSTANT access to the best kick-butt, feel-good, look-great information out there!

Have a great weekend,


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good Testimonial?

"Change your name to Luke's Awesome Butt Buster Work Outs, 'cause it busts your butt!"
- Blaike King

Thanks Blaike! I do what I can.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Your First Step...

The first step to creating your ideal body is to IMAGINE your ideal body.

I found this note in my journal this morning, and have been pondering on it all day. It reads:

"Everything which man creates begins in the form of a thought impulse. Man can create nothing which he does not first conceive in thought. Through the aid of the imagination, though impulses may be assembled into plans. The imagination, when under control, may be used for the creation of plans or purposes that lead to success in one's chosen endeavors."

Whew! That's pretty neat!

Tonight I want to stress the magic of thinking big. You can reach almost any goal, if you truly believe you can.

I'll be posting much, much more on how to set and achieve your goals. But for tonight, just let your imagination take over.

If there were no limits to how you could look or perform, what would you choose to become?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Take-Home Message

As a performance enhancement specialist, lifting is a means to achieve an end, not an end in itself.

Athletes lift weights to prevent and rehabilitate injuries and indirectly enhance performance through neural, muscular endocrine and biomechanical factors.

If an athlete is injured, he/she cannot perform—period.

This sentence alone should convince you that the cost-to-benefit ratio of any training intervention should be as low as possible.

Our first priority is to not hurt an athlete in training.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Welcome to the Carson City Fitness Systems Blog.

I call it "The Master Coach's Rant" because I'll be sounding off about anything and everything.

Also, you can stay updated on the activities we're involved with in the Carson/Reno/Tahoe area.

Be great!