Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Great Opportunity!

This Friday night, August 22nd, there will be a GREAT auction outside of the Brewery Arts Center in Carson City (511 W King St).

Proceeds will go to the Kids In Transition program, which buys clothing and school supplies for homeless kids in Carson City's school district.

Here's the schedule for Friday night:

6pm: Food and Drink Specials
8pm: Live music from Hot For Teacher

Now, one of the prizes is a HUGE package from High Sierra Bootcamps!

Here's what's included:

1 Month Gold Bootcamp Membership (Women Only) $129
Metabolism Makeover Handbook $299 (class)
Luke’s Extra Awesome Cookbook $29.95
Nutrition Crash Course $29.95
High Sierra Bootcamps Warmup $29.95
Physical Systems Screen $150

Bonus Report: How To Change Your Life

I don't know what it'll all go for, but it would make a great gift for a friend! (Or yourself!)

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