Monday, April 21, 2008

First Anniversary!

Just a quick heads-up:

Prograde Nutrition is celebrating the first anniversary of their delicious Cravers bars by offering me 10% off of all Prograde products! And since you're my friend, I'm giving you the code too...

I know everyone has been blown away by the quality of Prograde (and the accelerated results are a nice benefit!)

If you've been putting off taking your krill oil, protein, and greens supplements for whatever reason, you've only been cheating yourself.

Take a look at this post for reasons why you should be taking krill oil:

And here's another (more technical):

(Plus, Krill Oil will help alleviate joint pain and muscle soreness. Sound familiar?)

Look back at your nutrition emails, one of the most important things you can do is take a post-workout shake.

Whether your goals are fat loss or just fitness, you need to support yourself with better recovery.

(Again, a post workout recovery drink will reduce soreness and accelerate your progress.)

Here's how to get your 10% discount on EVERYTHING in the Prograde store:

Fill up your shopping cart with all sorts of goodies. (I'd go with a package deal, they're discounted even more and have FREE SHIPPING.)

On the checkout page, enter this coupon code:


Yes, that is one word. And yes, it needs to be lower case.

Here are some links for you:

Krill Oil:

Post-Workout Recovery Drink:

Snack Bars:

That's it for today!

Oh yeah, this deal ends on Thursday (April 24th), so act now to get your 10% discount!

Want more, do more, BE more,


PS - That coupon code is: oneyear

PPS - Have a GREAT day!

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