Friday, April 11, 2008

"How To Lose Fat!"

What is the NUMBER ONE most important thing you must have if you want to look great for summer?

Think about it....

And your answer is?

If you guessed "Having a plan" then you hit the bullseye. Good job.

People will spend months - or more - planning a wedding.

You might spend months planning for your vacation.

You even make plans for the weekend.

But when it comes to looking great for bathing suit season, well.... Most people have no plan whatsoever...

Why would you just "hope" when it comes to losing fat?

I could go on and on and on about why people will sabotage themselves, but today I'm writing about something different.

I don't care a bit about your past.

I just want you to lose fat RIGHT NOW!

And that means you need a plan.

You know you need to eat breakfast to kick start your metabolism
each day. So what do you plan on eating for breakfast? What do you
have in your fridge all ready to go?

You know you need to exercise. So what time have you set aside for that? What is your fitness plan?

You know you need to drink a significant amount of water each day. So how are you planning to do that?

You know you should be supplementing with krill oil, a multi-vitamin, and protein. Do you have these things in your cupboard?

Do you want to look great for bathing suit season? Make a plan for your success.
As I said in a flyer for our Morning Blast Bootcamp, you need three things to lose fat:

1. Desire
2. Commitment
3. An Effective Plan

I can't help you with numbers One and Two.

But your answer to number Three is a morning fitness bootcamp.

What happens at a normal bootcamp?

Well, first we plug in someone's iPod. Everyone takes turns being the DJ, because my personal mix of Heavy Metal and Disney Soundtracks wasn't anyone's idea of workout music.

Then we all grab an exercise mat, and get warmed up.

The warmup is one of my personal specialties. It is designed to not only completely prepare you for the fun ahead, but to also fix any muscular imbalances so your aches and pains will go away and you'll feel great!

Then we combine a mixture of bodyweight movements, medicine ball routines, exercise ball, and yoga positions for a complete workout that's never the same twice so you'll keep on progressing and burning off LOTS of ugly fat!

(Everyone asks me why I'm in such a good mood on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, compared to my usual grouchiness. It's simple: Everyone in the bootcamp is so much fun that I can't help but smile!)

This is limited notice, but there's room for a few more in our 6:30-7:30am session.

And there's been several requests for a 5-6am workout.

These are both six week bootcamps. From April 14th to May 23. (That's a countdown to Memorial Day Weekend, which is also known as "The Great Unveiling"....)

We'll meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings and have a GREAT time!

So here's the deal: If you're interested in joining either one of these sessions, send me an email at, and I'll send you a packet with everything you need to know in order to sign up.

I'm so confident that you'll find our Morning Blast Workout so awesome that if you aren't fully satisfied after your first class you can opt out, with no fee, no hassle.

Your card won't be charged until after you have tried and decided that Morning Blast is right for you.

And if you pay by check and are unsatisfied, I'll hand it right back to you and you can tear it up.

How many other fitness professionals do you know who are willing to offer an Unheard Of Money Back Guarantee?

Also, we need at least four campers at the 5am session. So tell your friends! (If we don't have at least four, everyone who signed up for 5am will be fully refunded or has the option to move to the 6:30 time slot.)

That's it! If you're interested, send me an email at my personal email address:

What's your plan to look great for bathing suit season?

Want more, do more, BE more,


PS - As you know, I'm in the business of amazing body transformations.

And I have to admit, bootcamps are one of the absolute BEST ways to lose that ugly belly and thigh fat.

We have fun.

We push each other.

We look around to make sure no one is exercising harder than we are.

If you're worried about changing your exercise and eating habits, all you need to do is change your mindset.

Don't look at it as something you dread.

Look at everything you GAIN!

Your clothes are going to fit great...

You're going to have TONS of energy....

And you're going to feel WONDERFUL when you look in the mirror and see how sexy you look...

Take action. Send me an email at and we'll get started right away!

Have a fantastic day, and I'll talk to you soon.

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